Proverbs 14

My personal Bible study with commentary and devotional thoughts:

Bible verses: see Proverbs 14 @ Bible Gateway

The question is what do I write down. Notes on every verse? Boy that would be boring and dead. How about something that the Holy Spirt reveals to me? That might be awfully spare material to post for these first steps. :) So  don’t know; I hope He does!

Pr 14:1 We live in a culture bent on destruction. Even our churches are primed more to tear down, rather than to edify, a Bible word meaning “build up”.  To the point of this verse, women who are by nature nurturing, can be malevently destructive beyond measure. It may be a case of revenge for past wrongs by our forefathers, but most divorces today are initiated by women.

I feel that I should not develop these comments too far at the moment… the intent is His word in me, not merely my words written down.

14:9 Today’s culture says there is no sin, but it’s nothing new. The 60’s “if it feels good, do it” debauchery is expressed these days as “if that works for you, fine, I like hiking”. You may find comfort in a “god”, I find tranquility when I walk in the woods. No Creator. No God to be accountable to. No aboslutes, absolutely. You keep your idea of right and wrong, morality and “sin” to yourself. God calls such people “fools”.

14:14 The difference between a “self-made man”, and the man God blesses. The question is: “Where do I seek provision and reward?”. From God’s hands, or as a result of my own efforts? He blesses the work of my hands when they are guided by His ways and His will, and the result is “much fruit”.  But when I rebel or backslide, the consequences are my own responsibility.

14:21 Ouch!! I am tempted to despise some poor wretch of a human being almost everyday. Well, more honestlly, I’m guilty of despising my neighbor, not just being tempted to do so. Please, Father, forgive me. But we live in a day that many, many people live horribly wretched lives. I’m not talking about money, or clothing, or cars. More about character, and spirit. But Christ did not come to condemn the world, but to save it. He wept at the lost sheep of Jerusalem. What is my reaction to seeing people who live with the consequences of sin, and life without the presence of my Father God? “But by the grace of God, there go I”!! Yes, but then what? Act with mercy.

14:23 I sure hope so! :) Standing on the promises of God. Father, help me to do… not just dream and talk.

14:25 “true witness” — again one of the main purposes of this blog is to help me better know His word, so that I may be true to it when teaching others.

14:31 American culture honors success. Worships it. The poor are seen as failures. We think it’s their fault. Sometimes it is, often it isn’t. (cf verse 21 above) Human history is one of slavery. Today our “civilized” society looks agast at the mention of the word. But in practice, we are often more cruel than the worst slavemasters ever. Slaves may have been fed gruel to eat at the end of a day’s labor. Laborers earn a wage. If it buys enough food, fine…  if not, well that’s their problem. We’re so civilized, yea right.

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